Department of Computer Science and Engineering of RIET has a mission to Empower every student to be industrious, creative and quality conscious in the field of Computer Science and Engineering (Information Technology) by imparting quality education and inculcating human values. The faculty members are highly qualified and experienced with specialization in Networking, Algorithms, Data Mining, Image Processing, Software Engineering, Natural language processing, Computer graphics, Web Technology, Embedded systems, Evolutionary computing, Network security, Wireless sensor networks etc.
Students are given proper exposure to current trends including embedded system design, network management and administration, bio-informatics, extreme programming, software architecture, sensor networks, grid computing, soft computing etc. through workshops, guest lectures, seminars by industry experts, professionals etc
Department has well equipped laboratories with high speed internet facilities through leased line and satellite link (DVB). Software tools available in the computer laboratories include all Microsoft software systems and Linux systems procured through a campus agreement with Microsoft Corporation and Redhat Linux.
Department also offer many value added educational programs to the students including industry Certification like CCNA, Sun Java, RedHat Linux Certification, etc.